10 basic shapes to learn in preschool

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Basic shapes are related to the things we see in out daily life, like triangle sandwich, circle chapati, circle plate, rectangle clock etc. If the kids knows the basic shapes we can play many games without any effort. 

Best verbal game is riddle game with things inside the house. It goes like you are sitting in your room and is super bored and out of idea so you can start the game “Tell me a thing that is rectangle in shape and has horse in it” “Its a painting” or “tell me a things that is circle in shape and has numbers” ” its a clock”. These are some small activities which require shapes knowledge.

In this activity I have played with following basic shapes:

  1. Square
  2. Circle
  3. Rectangle
  4. Triangle
  5. Oval
  6. Semicircle
  7. Hexagon
  8. Trapezium
  9. Rombus
  10. Star

Make your own basic shapes activity

Things Required:
  •  A4 sheets
  • Coloured papers
  • Wooden Shapes 
  • Scissors
shapes outline
  •  Draw the basic shapes on A4 paper and name them.
  • Cut the 2-3 set of each basic shapes from coloured papers.
  • Ask your kid to match the wooden shapes with that on paper.
  • Also ask him to match the coloured paper shapes to that of paper 
Skills learned
  •  Basic Shapes
  • Fine motor skills as kid picks and places the wooden shapes and paper shapes.
  • Cognitive skill to match the basic shapes.

Do try this fun activity, and let us know in comment section. Happy playing..!!

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preschool Activities with Shapes

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