Quick Animal memory game with bowls for preschool

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I think animals are the favourite things of all the kids. Isn’t it??

So why not create one more exciting game out of it which will not only help in memory development but also a very engaging and will increase attention span of kids.

Miss M loves this one. I always use to play memory game with flashcards and she just loves it. One day this idea just strike my mind to use the bowls and make this wonderful memory game. I picked up some bowls and her favourite thing her animals and hurray the game began. 

I hid one animal in each bowl infront of her and then asked to recall which animal is in which bowl. In the starting she use to open each and every bowl to check but slowly she understood the game started playing. Hope your kid will also enjoy this game.

Make your own memory game

Things Required:
  •  Animals figures
  • Bowls
animal memory game
  •  Take 5-6 bowls and hide one animal inside each bowl.
  • Make sure you do it infront of your kid and let them observe it.
  • Ask your kid “where is zebra”, just give him few seconds and then reveal the answer. Alternatively you can also let them explore and remember.
  • Its OK if they are not able to answer any of it correct, its just they needs little practice.
  • You will be amazed to see how quickly they will get to it, then you can increase the bowls.
Skills learned
  •  Enhancing memory.
  • Animals recognition
  • Language development.

Do try this fun activity, and let us know in comment section. Happy playing..!!

More animals activities

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