The Indian flag tree

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We all love to play with beads as they are so colourful. What if you have a beads tree. Sounds amazing right, so let’s make it. 


We can use beads for decorating, counting, stamping, colour sorting etc many activities, and all of them are kids favourites. 


So let’s make an interesting one.

Make your tree flag

Things Required:
  • Beads
  • Bamboo sticks
  • Thermocol
  • Coloured paper
Also checkout the list of must haves for DIY activities.
  • Cut a green paper into the shape of a tree.
  • Paste the paper on the thermocol.
  • Break the bamboo sticks in half.
  • Make holes in the paper tree stuck on the thermocol to put bamboo sticks. 
  • Now ask your kid to put the bamboo sticks in the holes.
  • Once all bamboo sticks are done then we can start pitting the beads in the flag order, in India we will put orange beads at the top of the white then green. 
Skills learned
  • Flag learning
  • Fine motor skill
  • Language
  • Hand-eye coordination

Do try this fun activity, and let us know in comment section. Happy playing..!!

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