Size recognition activity with a super simple DIY watermelon

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One day Miss M was eating watermelon, there were different size of cut watermelon and I asked her whether she wants small one or big one, and she was clueless. So I thought why not create this simple activity and help her in size recognition.

Make your Size recognition activity

Things Required:
  • Red, Green paper
  • Glue
  • Black pen
  • Cardboard
  • Scissors
Size recognition with watermelon
  •  Cut 3 different size of triangles, easy differntiable for the kids.
  • Stick red and green paper in the look of the watermelon.
  • Add black spots to give more like a look of a watermelon.
  • Now cut the green part from all the three parts, and its done.
  • Give your kid these parts and ask them to join it.
Skills learned
  • It helps in recognition of size i.e. cognitive skill.
  • It helps in their fine motor skills as the kid is using his two fingers for joining the parts.

Do try this fun activity, and let us know in comment section. Happy playing..!!

Fruits and vegetables activities

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fine motor skill, painting, stamping with potato, preschool activity

size recognition activities

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