Simple Pattern matching activity with two colours

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Bright colours always attract kids, and thus they show interest in those activities.. This is a simple pattern matching activity which I made using some coloured papers and to my surprise Miss  M solved it in just a minute.

So here goes the activity:

Make your pattern matching activity

Things Required:
  • coloured paper
  • scissors
  • glue
  • cardboard
  • Cut eight 10*10 cm papers of different colours.
  • Cut eight 5*5 cm papers of different colours.
  • Paste the different colour 5 cm paper on the 10 cm paper.
  • make one pair of each pattern.
  • add the paper to cardboard to give it more strength and kids cannot tear it up.
  • Ask your kid to match the colourful patterns.
  • You can also teach them the concept of inside colour and outside colour.
Skills learned
  • It helps in visualisation as kids are able to differentiate between the colours.
  • It helps in cognitive skill as kid is learning to match the patterns

Do try this fun activity, and let us know in comment section. Happy playing..!!

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